Christine Davies CBE


Christine is the former chief executive of the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services which identified and disseminated ‘what works’ in children’s services, working with local authorities, health services, schools and voluntary and community organisations across England. Christine also established and led the previous Government’s ‘Narrowing the Gap’ programme which identified leading practice in helping close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children and young people. Previously a local authority director of children’s services, Christine has advised successive British Governments on education, child poverty, safeguarding and early intervention, and has also advised the Australian, Netherlands and Russian Governments. She is a former member of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, and is currently a trustee of the Early Intervention Foundation, The Challenge (delivering The National Citizen Service), the Premier League Charitable Fund, and chairs a Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. She is also a vice patron of Family Action, a trustee of a multi-academy trust and leads seminars for head teachers and senior teams on safeguarding in schools. Christine was awarded the CBE in 2005 for ‘An outstanding contribution to education’.