
Omega can turn your unwanted items into money, to help fund our support services. Please send all items to Omega, London House, Town Walls, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TX.

We accept all types of postage stamps, new or used, domestic or foreign. Please leave a centimetre of blank paper around each stamp. If you are sending a bundle of stamps to us by post, be sure to apply sufficient postage. Refer to the Royal Mail online price guide for help.

We accept all types of currency, new or used, domestic or foreign.

We accept all types of inkjet printer cartridges (not laser toner). You can send them to Omega or using our page on Recycle4Charity.

We accept all types of working, undamaged smartphones and tablet computers. Please remove any personal data, passcodes, and remove the device from your Apple or Google account. Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate by submitting a Gift Aid declaration form with your donation.