Letterbox (formerly A Letter from Louise) is a free penpal befriending service for socially isolated and lonely people. Our clients are carefully matched to volunteer befrienders, with whom they exchange supportive, friendly letters. They share stories about their lives, families and interests.
Get in touch or submit a referral form online now if you, or someone you know, might benefit from Letterbox.
Download a PDF version of the referral form for printing.
Return completed forms to Omega, London House, Town Walls, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TX.
Click here if you would like to become a volunteer befriender.
Testimonials from Letterbox clients:
“Thank you for your very excellent service at Omega.
As a 91 year old who has been a GP all her working life and worked with many charities, I am truly appreciative of all you do.”
“Has helped by just always being there! I owe Omega so much… you really know how to reach out to people.
There should be an omega for everyone!”
“Thank you for all the joy and kindness you spread.”
London House, Town Walls
Shrewsbury, SY1 1TX
01743 245 088 | info@omega.uk.net
Registered Charity No.1120322
Registered Company No.6196052