Celebrating the life and work of Rose Davies

It is with considerable sadness that we report the death of our loyal Patron, Rose Davies. After a short illness, Rose died peacefully at home on 22nd March, aged 107.

Rose was born in Shrewsbury during the first World War and was proud to have lived under the reign of 5 monarchs. Early life was tough, with no electricity or running water in the family cottage. Soon after leaving school, she took a job in Stafford and cycled to work from Shrewsbury every week.

At the age of 23, during the second World War, she joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and by the time of the D-Day landings she was a skilled operator of the recently developed, secret RADAR surveillance system, monitoring shipping in the Channel from a base in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight. After the war, she returned to Shrewsbury, married her sweetheart Wilf, and together they raised their two sons, Michael and Jonathan.

For over 40 years, Rose was an active volunteer with the Samaritans in Shrewsbury. She was also very involved with the Shropshire branch of the Royal Air Force Association, becoming its Vice President. In 2014, at the age of 97, she was flown to the United States as guest of honour at a joint conference of the Royal Air Force and the United States Air Force. At their banquet to celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day, she addressed the assembled dignitaries, earning accolades from many of the most senior military personnel from both sides of the Alliance.

Her war-time service was further recognized in 2016 when she was awarded the rare and prestigious Légion d’honneur by the French Government, again in recognition of her support for the D-Day landings.

Rose remained remarkably active throughout her life, travelling to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and elsewhere as an unaccompanied octogenarian plus. In her nineties, she enjoyed celebrating birthdays with adventures, including – at 99 – being the oldest person to ride the mile long zipwire at Llechwedd, North Wales.

Rose became an Omega Chatterbox befriender in her nineties and accepted the nomination of Patron soon afterwards. She brought the same energy, interest and commitment to this role that had exemplified so much of her extraordinary life.

Her memory will remain an inspiration for many years to come.

A funeral service will be held at St Chad’s Church, Shrewsbury on Monday 8th April, 2pm.

Read Tribute to war hero who as died at 107 at bbc.co.uk