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Omega is primarily funded by the money we receive from charitable trusts, foundations and other independent grant-makers. These include:

29th May 1961 Charitable Trust · Annandale Charitable Trust · Archer Trust · Baron Davenport’s Charity · Brian Shaw Memorial Trust · Britford Bridge Trust · CB & HH Taylor 1984 Trust · Charles Hayward Foundation · DMF Ellis Charitable Trust · Dumbreck Charity · Edgar E Lawley Foundation · Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust · Edward Gostling Foundation · Eveson Trust · Expat Foundation · February Foundation · Florence Cohen Charitable Trust · Garfield Weston Foundation · George Henry Collins Charity · Grace Trust · Harebell Centenary Fund · Hedley Foundation · Henry Smith Charity · Hilton-Jones Charitable Trust · Kelton Trust · Kineton Parish Council · King Charles III Charitable Fund · Lady Forester Trust · Lennox Hannay Charitable Trust · Hospital Saturday Fund · Lord Barnby’s Foundation · Louis Nicholas Residuary Charitable Trust · Marsh Christian Trust · Masonic Charitable Foundation · McCarthy Stone Foundation · Mercian Community Trust · National Lottery Community Fund · NFU Mutual Market Drayton & Whitchurch · Patrick Trust · PB Dumbell Charitable Trust · Rainford Trust · Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council · Sheldon Trust · Souter Charitable Trust · Stour Valley Lions · Tipton & Coseley Charitable Foundation · Warwickshire County Council · WE Dunn Trust · West Brom Building Society · William A Cadbury Charitable Trust · Woodroffe Benton Foundation · WO Street Charitable Foundation · Wynn Foundation

If you would like to support our work by inviting Omega to apply for a grant, sponsoring Omega projects,  promoting Omega volunteering opportunities, or choosing Omega as your company’s charity of the year, get in touch.